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I Help Dads Lose Their Dad Bods Forever! 

For 16 years I have refined how to scientifically dismantle the exact process to stay lean and build muscle at 36+ years of age.

Say goodbye Dad-Bod, hello Rad-Bod!

*****Start by watching this video******

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  • ​Understanding your Body

  • Nutrition for Weight Loss

  • Exercise for Weight Loss

  • The Importance of Strength Training

  • Overcoming Obstacles

Personally, I Have Helped 100+ Dads Aged 35+ Lose Fat, While Simultaneously Gaining Muscle.

Are you a good fit for the program? We do not help just anyone.

Dad’s Fitness Goals: How to Set SMART Objectives for a Healthier Life

Dad’s Fitness Goals: How to Set SMART Objectives for a Healthier Life

November 12, 20231 min read


As dads, we're often pulled in a million directions. Between changing diapers, attending soccer games, and juggling work demands, it’s easy for our own fitness to fall by the wayside. The solution? SMART goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives that can turn the tide from wishful thinking into reality.

SMART goals


Begin by specifying what you want to achieve with your fitness. Instead of saying, "I want to get fit," define what fitness means to you. Is it to run a 5K or to bench press a certain weight? Pinpoint your target.


Track your progress. If your goal is to run, how far and how often? Measure your time, distance, and frequency. Apps and wearable technology can be great tools for monitoring your advancement.


Set goals that challenge you but are still within reach. Consider your current fitness level and what is realistic for you to achieve within a given timeframe.


Your goals should align with your values and long-term objectives. If family time is important, consider workouts that can include the kids.


Set deadlines. Without a timeframe, there’s no sense of urgency. Whether it's six weeks or six months, commit to a date.


Taking Action

With your SMART goals outlined, it’s time to take action. Schedule your workouts as you would any important appointment, and stick to it. Remember, consistency is key.

Staying on Track

Life happens, and sometimes we get sidetracked. Regularly review your goals and adjust them if necessary. Keep your vision clear, and stay flexible in your approach.

Bringing It All Together

SMART goals are about more than fitness; they're about setting an example of health and determination for your children. Show them that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

SMART goalsfitness planningdad fitnesshealth objectivesgoal settingworkout trackingachievable fitnessfamily healthfitness motivationhealth and fatherhoodworkout schedulingpersonal health goals
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What clients are saying...

Eat The Food You Love.

This is a program personalized to you. Eat the foods you enjoy, while making small gradual changes that you will enjoy.

  • Eat the foods that make you happy.

  • Get a library of healthy meal plans that are also tasty.

  • Figure out why you are having cravings and how to deal with them

  • Get the amount of water your body needs.

  • Making sure your body gets the nutrition it needs.

The Benefits


  • ↑ heart health

  • Weight management

  • ↑Mood

  • ↑ energy levels


  • ↑ muscle strength & mass

  • ↑ bone density

  • ↑ metabolism

  • ↑ functional fitness


  • ↑ range of motion in joints

  • ↓ risk of injuries

  • ↑ posture and alignment

  • ↑ athletic performance


  • Create a motivating Vision

  • Create SMART Goals

  • Develop Positive Habits

  • Create New Beliefs

  • Create a plan for obstacles



  • Learn Proper Food Choices

  • Custom Meal Plans

  • Track Macros

Results Require Action.

Do you want to get results? Tired of always thinking about it? It is you against you unless you get some help.

Don't go it alone, if you have gone from program to program and seen minor results, but never the results you wanted, then you need to ask yourself if you are ready for change. If you said yes, then you need to contact me as soon as possible.

Live in action working with clients

Course for Dads

Don't Let This Be You!

Stop with the Excuses and Go and Get a Workout In!

Motivational Sayings

How to and Hacks

As A Father Of 2 Girls, I Know What Its Like To Get A Dad-Bod.

The benefits are worth it

  • Stress Reduction

  • Improved Physical Health

  • Increased Energy Levels

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity

  • Role Modeling

I realized I needed to make a change for myself and for them. The only thing that was holding me back was myself.

Tony M.

" I achieved my goals, and I would highly recommend..."

When I signed up with The Trainer Guy, I expected accountability, but I got much more. Keith taught me how to work out despite my busy schedule. Thanks to his expertise and positive attitude, I achieved my goals, and I would highly recommend The Trainer Guy to anyone.

Adam M.

"Keith pushes me harder than I would push myself..."

I started training with The Trainer Guy in January 2011 for his competitive rates and the convenience of home training. Keith pushes me harder than I would push myself, and I am always exhausted and sore after our workouts, which is a good thing. Thanks to Keith's training, I have referred my friends to him and will continue to do so.

Rohit S.

"I have more energy, sleep "better, and in best shape.. "

The Trainer Guy, Keith, helped me get back into a gym routine with enthusiasm and the perfect combination of cardiovascular and weight training. He provided nutritional tips and motivational methods that helped me achieve desired results in a very short time. Keith's patience and professional skills make him the perfect fit for me as a healthier lifelong client.

Get There in Style and on Time

Let's see if you are a good fit for the program, this program is not for everyone, but anyone who uses it will see results 10x quicker!

  • ​Learn what you need to do to keep your results for the rest of your life

  • Create and stay accountable to your new habits.

  • Do not let your motivation falter.

  • Gain willpower and confidence

Get Access Now

Unlock instant access to the FREE 40+ FIT DAD SECRETS: The Ultimate Fitness Secrets Compiled from Thousands of Fit Dads and learn how to reach your dream body!

(plus get a FREE 15-minute discovery session to talk about your goals in detail.)

What other clients are saying...

Jonathan C.

"I have more energy, sleep better, and in best shape.. "

I didn't exercise much, which made me feel sluggish and run down. I started his training program, which completely turned my life around after 8-9 weeks. I have more energy, sleep better, and in the best shape of my life at 49 years. I highly recommend Keith as a trainer and appreciate everything he has done for me.

Robin C.

"My workouts with Keith are now a crucial..."

I have a personal trainer named Keith who comes to my front door twice a week. He helps me stay disciplined with my workouts, which is something I struggled with after being a high school athlete. My workouts with Keith are now a crucial part of my weekly routine, and I feel the difference if I miss them.

Geo M.

" I achieved my fitness goals, going a size 30..."

My experience with The Trainer Guy was awesome! He was fun, dynamic, outgoing, and very flexible with my routines and schedules. He not only trained me but also taught me routines and exercises that I now apply to my everyday living. With his help, I achieved my fitness goals, going from a size 33 to a size 30. I highly recommend him and his techniques.

My Story

"At 36 years old, I am currently in the best shape of my life..."

As a child, I was active and had a skinny body due to being a picky eater. In university, my poor eating habits worsened, leading to weight gain. A comment about my belly prompted a change. I started exercising but struggled with a diet high in fats and sugar, lacking sufficient protein.

Despite years of training, I struggled to achieve the desired six-pack and bulk. Discouraged, I took breaks but faced guilt upon returning. After my daughter's birth, I recommitted and saw initial results, but failed to fix my eating habits, falling back into a cycle of hard work, discouragement, and quitting.

Repeated attempts and failures persisted. When my daughter was three, my relationship with her mom ended due to parental stress. Realizing the need for change, I focused on fixing my eating habits and incorporating more whole foods. Despite still having fast food, I returned to the gym, achieving familiar positive results.

"This pattern of starting and stopping continued, and I felt guilty about not staying consistent."

During the Covid lockdown, I struggled, leading to depression, halted workouts, and poor eating. After six months, I joined a startup as a health and fitness advisor, later becoming a senior product manager. Over three years, work and a new relationship caused emotional stress, impacting my health. Similar to my state of being in my last relationship, I was not taking care of myself, and so I couldn’t take care of the other person. We split a year ago, and I have been taking care of myself ever since.

At almost 2, my daughter marks a positive change. I tackled the root of my past struggles and developed strategies for stress-induced eating. Now, I drink water or assess cravings before acting. Meditation and rollerblading replace emotional eating. At 36, I'm in my best shape, driven by lessons learned. I aim to be healthy for my future grandkids, stay energetic, and overcome daily challenges. Despite inner doubts, I foster a positive mindset, affirming, "You can do this, you got this, you're doing great."

I confront emotions in the moment, aiming to grow as a person and a father. My commitment to a healthy lifestyle led me to my ideal body, and I prioritize ongoing health to face life confidently, avoiding a "dad bod" and staying fit.

Access to a library of meal plans suited for you

You will love these meals choices

  • Ingredient List

  • Meal Prep Ready

  • Delicious

  • Healthy

  • Easy

A library of information just for Dads at your fingertips.

  • Running For Dads

  • Fathers Vision

  • Building Healthy Habits

  • The Dad's Guide to Being an Awesome Dad

  • A Dad's Guide to Being a Great Partner

  • 40+ Fit Dad Secrets

  • Breaking Barriers

  • Stress Free Dad

  • Unleashing Your Potential

  • Dad's Guide to Yoga

  • The Busy Dad's Guide to Meal Prep

  • Sleep Like a Dad